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Predict scores for your team 2024-25 season.
Join our league, forecast games (P)
Nail exact scores (CS=3pts),
or get results right (CR=1pt).
Your total points (Pts)
and prediction ratio (%) break ties like goal difference.
1. Players can join the Goal Gurus game at any point during the season
2. Obviously, the sooner a player starts the earlier the more chances they have of accumulating points (and having a higher prediction ratio) therefore the incentive is to join the game sooner rather than later.
3. It’s three points for a correct score line.
4. And 1 point for predicting the correct result.
5. And each game player predicts on counts as a game played.
6. Players are separated who are level on points by the 'Prediction Ratio %'. The 'Prediction Ratio %' is an algorithm that weights the prediction in terms of how close the prediction was percentage wise to the actual result. For example, if a person predict exactly right the score line that would be a 100% prediction ratio.
7. The winner of the league will be the person who is top at the end of the season. Yes, there will be Prizes.
👉 Sign up now at Goal Gurus and be part of the excitement!
We will soon be launching a league for each top club!
We tested our Goal Gurus concept out for the European Championships recently. Here is how it ended with 10 games in total for gurus to predict on. (England and Scotland). 7 England games and the 3 Scotland group stage matches.